A voluntary service is a volunteer commitment within a fixed framework. Conditions like location and duration of the service are set.
The voluntary service takes place in an assignment location that advocates for the common good of all.
The voluntary service has a duration of at least 6 months and can last up to 12 month or longer.
Typically volunteers work full-time, which is 8 hours per day. However, in some cases voluntary service can be shortened to part-time, which means 4 to 6 hours per day.
The volunteers receive a monthly allowance. Also contributions to social insurance are being paid.
There will be regular seminars, since the voluntary service is a period for learning and self-development
Why volunteer?
For people new to Germany volunteering is a great opportunity to…
- meet new people
- practice German
- learn more about the way of living and working in Germany
- share their own experience and expand their knowledge
Where to find what?
There is the voluntary social year (FSJ) in the public welfare and the voluntary ecological year (FÖJ) in the field of environment and nature conservation for people under 27 years (at least 16 years old).
There is the federal voluntary service (BFD) for people of every age (at least 16 years old).
- Assignment locations for BFD: https://www.bundesfreiwilligendienst.de/
You can use our platform searching organizations in Saxony-Anhalt according to “area of engagement”, “age”, “duration” and “beginning”. Take this way to Freiwilligendienst-Suche.
Where can I find advising?
Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
Rymma Fil (Russian, Ukraine, German)
Fon: 0391-53 71 217
Mail: sfd-isa@agsa.de
Freiwilligen-Agentur Halle-Saalkreis e.V.
Kristin Wicklein (German, English)
Fon: 0345 – 213 88 285
Mail: fwd@freiwilligen-agentur.de
Or find your local agency for voluntary engagement: